Framboise - TF May Valentine

Make-up, wig, burgundy outfit full set, shoes are included in the basic configuration and you can purchase additional costume and parts.

- Height  43 cm

- Head Type  May Valentine

- Body Type  TF Neo body (can select)

 GirlBlossomFull blossomBeauty body's basic feet is Tip-toe.

  If you want to purchase additional normal feet, you can order normal feet by Add parts option. 

- Default Eyes  Kanis 16mm Random eyes

- Wig  Girl - Bang Straight  Boy - Shaggy Cut (random color)

- Outfit  Girl - Onepiece, Coat dress, Cape, Panty  Boy - Shirt, Pants, Coat, Cape

  Burgundy color outfit is available for purchase only at doll purchases.

- Shoes  Girl - Fit boots  Boy - Oxford shoes

- ETC  Make up, Carriage bag

 (For Baked skin, the color of the shading may not be visible better than skin of other color skins.)

- outfit  Burgundy or Navy

- additional parts (The prices are different for normalbeauty white skin and baked skin.)

Make-up Design by Mana

Dress Design by Moi atelier  Mass Produce Nowhere garden